Analysis on the role of rhizobia in soybean planting

Rhizobium soybean is a live microbial preparation. The rhizobia in the root nodules and the legumes are mutually beneficial: the organic matter produced by the legumes through photosynthesis is partly supplied to the rhizobia; the ammonia produced by the rhizobia through biological nitrogen fixation is supplied to the legumes plant. , it fixes free nitrogen in the air to supply soybeans to meet soybean demand for nitrogen. It is a good measure to increase soybean yield, save fertilizer and reduce pollution, and has been valued by researchers around the world.

First, the role of rhizobia

1. Nitrogen fixation

Soybean rhizobia uses the products of soybean photosynthesis as energy, and converts nitrogen in the air into nutrients required for soybean growth and development. Rhizobium and soybean have a symbiotic nitrogen fixation relationship. At the beginning, soybean rhizobia fixed little nitrogen, until flowering to drum. The initial stage of grain is the peak of nitrogen fixation by soybean rhizobia. Later, due to the development of soybean grains, a large amount of plant photosynthetic products are consumed, which limits the supply of nutrients to rhizobia.

Soybean rhizobia plays a very important role in soybean growth. About 60% of the nitrogen fertilizer required by soybeans in their lifetime is provided by soybean rhizobia, and the rest is provided by soil and fertilizer. Rhizobium provides about 80% of the nitrogen in soybean seeds, and most of the nitrogen in soil and fertilizer supplies the growth of soybean roots, stems and leaves.

2. The effect of increasing production

After the application of rhizobia, the number and weight of rhizobia increased, and the nitrogen-fixing capacity of soybean was improved. It shows that soybeans grow vigorously and yield increases. After several years of experiments by scientific research stations, there are different levels of increasing production trends. Different varieties have different yield increases in different years, with fertile soil and a reasonable distribution of rainfall during the year increasing yields more; heavy cropping plots or plots with severe root rot disease increase yields less. After several years of test statistics, the general production increase is 0.7-14%, and the average production increase is 5.8%.

3. Reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer

Soybean rhizobia needs a certain amount of nitrogen for plant growth before nitrogen fixation, but too much nitrogen application will inhibit the growth of root nodules, thereby affecting the nitrogen-fixing ability of root nodules and affecting the yield. Nitrogen deficiency without nitrogen excess. The scientific research station has done research on this aspect before, and believes that after inoculation with rhizobia, applying pure nitrogen of about 1kg can increase soybean yield the most. According to our current fertilization level, applying rhizobia can save about 2kg of urea.

Second, Application of Rhizobium in soybean planting technology

The use of rhizobia in soybean production is a mature and widely used technology, which can greatly improve the nitrogen-fixing capacity of soybeans during the growing period and supply sufficient nitrogen for soybean production. Soybean rhizobia is available in liquid and solid forms. Solid rhizobia are applied by seed dressing or soil application. Liquid Rhizobium is used by soaking seeds. It is also possible to add soybean rhizobia agent during seed coating, but it should be noted that the coating agent and the rhizobia agent should be matched with each other, and the activity of rhizobia cannot be inhibited by the efficacy of the seed coating agent.

1. Increase production and efficiency

According to the field demonstration results, the application of rhizobia in soybean can increase soybean yield by more than 10%, and at the same time increase soybean protein content by 2%, crude fat content by 1-2%, and increase net income per mu by 40-50 yuan.

2. Technical points

(1) Select suitable soybean rhizobia varieties to collect the main soil types in soybean production areas, carry out soil and rhizobia matching tests, and screen soybean rhizobia varieties with strong activity, good effect, and adaptability to local soil and climate.

(2) Adopt appropriate application method According to the dosage form of soybean rhizobia, the solid inoculum is used by seed dressing or granulation, followed by soybean seeds and fertilizers, and the liquid inoculum is used by seed soaking. It is also possible to add soybean rhizobia inoculants during seed coating, but it should be noted that the coating agent and rhizobia should be matched with each other, and the activity of rhizobia cannot be inhibited by the efficacy of the seed coating.

(3) A reasonable dosage of inoculum is 0.5 kg per mu when dressing seeds, 1-2 kg per mu when applying inoculum with soybean seeds and fertilizers after granulation; 0.5 kg when soaking seeds with liquid inoculants; The dosage is based on the required dosage of the coating agent.

Soybean rhizobia is a live microbial preparation. During storage, transportation and use, the temperature should be avoided too high or too low; at the same time, it should not be mixed with fungicide pesticides.

Third, The application prospect of rhizobia

1. The significance of nitrogen fixation by rhizobia

Expanding the symbiotic system of legume rhizobia is the most effective way to reduce the amount of chemical nitrogen fertilizer in my country. According to relevant statistics, my country's annual consumption of nitrogen fertilizer accounts for 30% of the world's. Taking the statistics of 2004 as an example, my country produces 33 million tons of nitrogen fertilizer, which needs to consume more than 100 million tons of standard coal, and the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer is only 10% to 30%; The amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied is 2.88 times that of the United States, 5.79 times that of Brazil, and 8.85 times that of Australia. Not to mention the harm of excessive application of chemical nitrogen fertilizer, only from the perspective of energy saving, biological nitrogen fixation technology should also be vigorously promoted.

As we all know, nitrogen fertilizer is a high energy consumption product, reducing the input of chemical nitrogen fertilizer is very important for alleviating the energy shortage in our country.

Zhang is significant. Legume biological nitrogen fixation is an effective technology recognized all over the world. Rhizobium of leguminous plants has the function of nitrogen fixation. Every country in the world that grows soybeans adopts this technology.

2. One-kilometer promotion of rhizobia agent

In the promotion of soybean rhizobia, the process from product to soil is called the one-kilometer problem of rhizobia promotion. Experiments and demonstrations are the foundation, publicity and training are important means, and policy support is the key. Only by foolish integration can real technologies be in place. This is the successful experience of Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation. The so-called fool integration refers to a set of convenient and simple fertilization modes summarized by the reclamation area, the mode of soybean rhizobia + diammonium phosphate + potassium fertilizer.

What is exciting is that from 2003 to 2007, the Heilongjiang reclamation area has promoted the application of soybean rhizobia in a total area of ​​8.2 million mu, reducing the urea input by nearly 40,000 tons. The concept of biological nitrogen fixation has been increasingly accepted by the majority of employees in the reclamation area. First, the increase in production and efficiency is obvious, which is a driving measure of the soybean revitalization plan; second, under the current situation of soaring fertilizer prices, the effect of cost saving is considerable. The technical problems that need to be solved at present are: one is to prolong the survival time or shelf life of rhizobia in the package; the other is to prolong the survival time and increase the number of rhizobia in open conditions, such as after seed dressing and before sowing.

The important position of soybean in the planting industry structure is irreplaceable, and my country, especially in the northeast region, soybean has a very important position. The rise in soybean prices in recent years has increased farmers' enthusiasm for planting; and the soaring price of chemical fertilizers has provided a very good opportunity for the promotion of rhizobia.

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