The new cotton shoot-controlling product--prohexadione calcium, which is better than uniconazole, does not cause premature aging!

Uniconazole is a triazole plant growth regulator widely used in cotton production. In recent years, it has an obvious effect on controlling the growth of cotton, promoting flowers and peaches, and can also increase the ratio of cotton double bolls. Welcomed by some cotton farmers. 

Today, I will introduce to you a new type of plant growth regualtor, which is more effective than Uniconazole. It is better than Uniconazole because it is not prone to premature aging and defertilization of cotton.

1. What is prohexadione calcium

Prohexadione calcium is a new type of plant growth regulator developed by Japan Combina Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. It interferes with the synthesis of gibberellic acid in plants, reduces the content of gibberellic acid in plants, controls leggy growth, promotes flowering and fruiting, and increases yield. Make its root system developed, protect cell membrane and organelle membrane, and improve crop resistance ability. So as to inhibit the upper vegetative growth of plants, promote the effect of reproductive growth, achieve the purpose of increasing yield and improving quality, and have better disease resistance.

2. Main features

Prohexadione calcium is a plant growth regulator, which can control and affect the endogenous hormones in plants, thereby inhibiting the growth of plant stems and leaves, and achieving the purpose of controlling prosperity. Promote the reproductive growth of plants, control the internodes, thus dwarf, reduce the incidence of lodging, promote the growth of lateral buds and rooting and long roots, keep the stems and leaves dark green, control the flowering time, increase the fruit setting rate, and promote fruit maturity. It also has the ability to enhance plant disease resistance, cold resistance and drought resistance, reduce the phytotoxicity of herbicides, and improve plant resistance to stress. Compared with Uniconazole, which is widely used at present, the residual amount of calcium anacyclate in the soil is very low, there is no residual toxicity to rotation plants, and no pollution to the environment, so it has a wide range of application prospects.

Gibberellin's GA1 is promotes vegetative growth. And GA4 is passed on from generation to generation and promotes reproductive growth. Prohexadione calcium has the effect of balancing gibberellin.

3. The main function

(1) Controlling cotton plant lengthening: For cotton, the main function is to control internodes, promote lateral branch growth, promote flower bud differentiation, increase the number of buds, and promote dry matter accumulation. Prohexadione calcium can inhibit the biosynthesis of GA1, and play a protective effect on gibberellin GA4, realizing the transformation from vegetative growth of cotton to reproductive growth.

(2) Increase the content of chlorophyll and promote photosynthesis: Prohexadione calcium relieves the feedback inhibition of plants, increases photosynthesis, allows plants to obtain more photosynthetic products, and provides energy for plant growth. Make cotton plants control the internodes, inhibit the growth of stems and leaves, and make the leaves greener and thicker.

(3) Increasing the rate of cotton bud setting: Prohexadione calcium promotes the unloading of assimilation, transfers the energy center to the cotton bud, and plays a guiding role, thereby ensuring more nutrient supply to the cotton bud and increasing the bud setting rate. In cotton, it can not only promote the differentiation of flower buds, but also increase the rate of buds and bolls, and promote the expansion of cotton bolls.

(4) Root-promoting effect: Prohexadione calcium can regulate the cytokinin in the plant and make the plant root system more developed. For cotton, the upper part of the cotton plant controls the nutrition, which can transform the nutrition to the lower organs, promote the root system, increase the dry matter content, and make the cotton plant grow stronger.

(5) Improve stress resistance: Prohexadione calcium regulates stress resistance inducers such as ABA and salicylic acid, so that cotton has better resistance to cold, drought, and high temperature. Through nutrient regulation, the cotton plants are more robust, the leaves are thicker and greener, the stress resistance and disease resistance of the plants are enhanced, and the premature senescence of the plants is prevented.

(6) Short residual period: The half-life of regalicin is very short. The effective period in the plant is 10-15 days. The leaves absorb all within half an hour, and it can be decomposed into carbon dioxide and water in the soil within 24 hours, which is better than paclobutrazol. Compared With Uniconazole, it is safer, greener, and has no residue.

If you have any interest, please feel free to contact with us:

Sales manager: Anne Chou

Whatsapp:+86 15050351426



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